God’s story




From the beginning God wanted to be in close relationship with man. He created man and woman in his image the bible says. But way back in the book of Genesis sin entered the world. God gave Adam and Eve (the first man and woman) the whole of the garden of Eden to look after. They could do anything they wanted to except to eat of ‘the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’. Satan came along and tempted them in the form of a serpent. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and so sin entered into the world.


The bible tells us that all of us are now ‘born and shapen in iniquity’. Basically this means that we are all born knowing how to do things wrong. The bible calls this wrong doing ‘sin’. The bible says that all of us are sinners. Do you no believe me? Well all that we need to do is look at God’s laws and we will see that we have done things wrong in our lives. Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever taken anything that doesn’t belong to you? If you have then your guilty of being a lying thief. I think if we are honest all of us have lied and stolen at least once in our lives. The bible says that because of our sin it separates us from God.

‘For the wages (price) of sin is death’ Romans 6:23

The bible tells us the price of sin is death. Not a physical death but a spiritual death. An eternal separation from God. Because of our sin it makes it impossible for us to get into heaven. Because if you have done even one thing wrong in your life you can’t get to heaven.

The bible talks about this place called heaven (which is a perfect place, where no sin can enter) but it also talks about a place called hell. If we die in our sins we are separated from God forever in hell. Remember what the bible said: That ‘the wages of sin is death’


Luckily God didn’t leave us this way. The rest of that verse in Romans 6:23 says this:

The wages (price) of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ’

The relationship between God and man is broken because of sin. But God has always wanted that relationship to be restored. And he did this in the form of Jesus. The bible says this in Romans 5:8:

‘God commended (showed) his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us’

God sent Jesus down to this earth, to life as a human being. To live a perfect life like no one else ever has. And then Jesus gave up his own life when he died on the cross so that, thanks to his sacrifice, our sins can be forgiven. Jesus laid down his life for me and for you. That is how much he loved you. You know that if it was only you that had ever sinned Jesus still would have came and died on that cross for your sins and all the things that you did wrong. Why? Because he loves you so much. Jesus died and then rose again on the third day defeating both the penalty for sin and death.

John 3:16 ‘For God so loved the world (thats you) that he gave his only begotten Son (thats Jesus) that whosoever believes in Him should not perish ( thats hell) but have everlasting life (that’s a life with God forever in heaven)’

How can we be forgiven?

It is very simple.

All you need to do to receive forgiveness and eternal life is to recognise that you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the price for your sin. To put your faith and your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ believing that He died on the cross for your sins, that He rose again on the third day.

This is such a simple message. If we do this, then that relationship that was broken by sin, can then be restored. God has always been pursuing a relationship with you from the very beginning.

Please look to Jesus and put your trust in him today!

‘Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved’ Romans 10:13

Or. You can watch this video. This video explains the simple message of the bible in about 10 minutes. It could be the most important thing you will ever watch. WARNING:IT WILL CHANGE YOU, IF YOU LET IT!



One comment on “God’s story

  1. Stephen,
    I enjoy hearing your thoughts on Romans.
    It is a great title you have given these verses”A CODE TO LIVE BY”. You wont go far wrong if you adhere to these eternal truths.
    Love Uncle Jack

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